Friday, May 1, 2009

Interview Preparation

Rob McGovern, Founder and CEO of, wrote a helpful article about preparing for a job interview.

It's pretty straight forward stuff, but you'd be surprised how many people don't use these steps:
  1. Mentally prepare. The day before the interview write a list of questions you think you'll be asked. Prepare answers for them. This will mentally prepare you so that you'll sound confident. After the interview, add any new questions.
  2. Do your homework. You should visit the company's web site, learn about their products, and read the recent press releases and news about the company.
  3. Prepare questions that showcase your talent. Don't say "No, I think you covered all I need to know." Here are a few of Rob McGovern's favorite questions:
  • How do I get an "A" in this position?
  • What are the long-term goals of the organization?
  • If I earn an "A" in this position, what areas of growth would be available to me?
  • What's the leadership style of my manager?
  • How would you describe the candidate that is a great cultural fit for the company?
Some of the questions I like to ask are:
  • What kind of challenges do you think I would face?
  • What is the leadership style? (in general, not just your manager-to-be)
  • What is the communication style of the department/across departments?

And don't forget to dress for success. Good luck.

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